Submit Input to an ASP Web Page and Retrieve the Result using VBS

17 01 2010

January 17, 2010

While it is helpful that SQL statements may be submitted directly from VBS scripts, in most cases the username and password for the database user will be exposed in the VBS script.  So, we need another way.  How about having the VBS script pass a value of interest to an ASP web page (note that this is not ASP.Net, this is old style programming without a Net).  First, we need to create the ASP web page (after, of course, enabling ASP in Microsoft’s IIS web server configuration):

<title>I am a Hidden Web Page - You will Not See Me</title>
    Dim adVarChar
    Dim adParamInput
    Dim adCmdText
    Dim strSQL
    Dim snpData
    Dim comData
    Dim strPartID

    Dim dbDatabase

    adVarChar = 200
    adParamInput = 1
    adCmdText = 1
    Set dbDatabase = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set comData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    Set snpData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    On Error Resume Next

    strPartID = cStr(Request("strPartID"))

    dbDatabase.Open "Provider=MSDAORA.1;User ID=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;Data Source=MyDB;Persist Security Info=True"

    With ComData
        strSQL = "SELECT /*+ LEADING(IT) INDEX(IT X_INV_TRANS_1) */" & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "  IT.PART_ID," & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "FROM" & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "  INVENTORY_TRANS IT," & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "  PART P" & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE" & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "  IT.TRANSACTION_DATE>TRUNC(SYSDATE-365)" & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "  AND P.ID=IT.PART_ID" & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "  AND P.ID= ?" & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "GROUP BY" & vbCrLf
        strSQL = strSQL & "  IT.PART_ID" & vbCrLf
        .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("part_id", adVarChar, adParamInput, 30, strPartID)
        'Set up the command properties
        .CommandText = strSQL
        .CommandType = adCmdText
        .CommandTimeout = 30

        .ActiveConnection = dbDatabase
    End With
    Set snpData = ComData.Execute

    Response.Write "<input type=""text"" name=""txtPartID"" size=30 value=""" & strPartID & """ disabled=true>"
    If Not (snpData Is Nothing) Then
        If Not(snpData.EOF) Then
            Response.Write "<input type=""text"" name=""txtAnnualUsage"" size=30 value=""" & cstr(snpData("new_annual_usage")) & """ disabled=true>"
            Response.Write "<input type=""text"" name=""txtOK"" size=255 value=""RETRIEVED"" disabled=true>"
            Response.Write "<input type=""text"" name=""txtAnnualUsage"" size=30 value=""0"" disabled=true>"
            Response.Write "<input type=""text"" name=""txtOK"" size=255 value=""NO TRANSACTIONS"" disabled=true>"
        End If
        Response.Write "<input type=""text"" name=""txtAnnualUsage"" size=30 value=""0"" disabled=true>"
        Response.Write "<input type=""text"" name=""txtOK"" size=255 value=""ERROR"" disabled=true>"
    End If


    Set snpData = Nothing
    Set comData = Nothing
    Set dbDatabase = Nothing

OK, reading the ASP web page code, we create an ADO database connection object, an ADO recordset object, and an ADO command object.  Next, we set the strPartID variable to the value of the passed in strPartID variable from the web session, build a SQL statement with a bind variable set to the value of the strPartID variable, and then execute the SQL statement.  If the SQL statement successfully executed, we build two HTML text box, the first with the value of NEW_ANNUAL_USAGE, and the second with a status of either RETRIEVED or NO TRANSACTIONS.  If the SQL statement failed to execute, the two HTML text boxes will contain 0 and ERROR.

Now for the VBS script that will call the ASP web page:

Dim intResult
Dim objIE
Dim strHTML
Dim strID

On Error Resume Next

Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

strID = "ABCDEF123456"

objIE.Navigate "http://localhost/Update_Annual_Usage_Qty.asp?strPartID=" & strID

objIE.Visible = False

Do While objIE.Busy <> False
    WScript.Sleep 200

'loop until the button is clicked
Do While intFlag = 0
    If Err <> 0 Then
        IntFlag = -1
    End If   
    If objIE is Nothing Then
        'User closed ID
        intFlag = -1
        If objIE.Document.All.txtOK.Value <> " " Then
            intFlag = 1
        End If
    End If
    WScript.Sleep 200

If intFlag = 1 Then
    If objIE.Document.Body.All.txtOK.Value = "ERROR" Then
        MsgBox "Error sending the query to the database"
        If objIE.Document.Body.All.txtOK.Value = "NO TRANSACTIONS" Then
            intResult = MsgBox ("No transactions for this part in the last year, OK to set the annual usage qty to 0?  The old value is " & cStr(ANNUAL_USAGE_QTY), vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Annual Usage")
            If intResult = vbYes Then
                ANNUAL_USAGE_QTY = 0
            End If
            'Copy in the values from the web page
            intResult = MsgBox ("The old annual usage quantity value is " & cStr(ANNUAL_USAGE_QTY) & " - the database indicates that the updated quantity should be " & cstr(objIE.Document.Body.All.txtAnnualUsage.Value) & ".  Would you like to update the annual usage quantity?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo,"Annual Usage")
            If intResult = vbYes Then
                 ANNUAL_USAGE_QTY = objIE.Document.Body.All.txtAnnualUsage.Value
            End If
        End If
    End If
End If

Set objIE = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing

The VBS script launches the ASP page in a hidden Internet Explorer window, passing in the value of strID on the address line (this is picked up in the ASP script as the strPartID session variable).  The VBS script then waits until the ASP page finishes loading.  Once the ASP page finishes, the VBS script reads the values of the two HTML text boxes and acts appropriately based on the values of those text boxes.

The neat thing about straight ASP programming code is that it looks a lot like the VBS programming code, and that looks a lot like the Excel macro programming code, and that looks a lot like the classic Visual Basic programming code, and that kind of looks like the classic BASIC programming code that I started working with in 1981/1982.  I have been sitting in on the technology training advisory committee for one of the local colleges.  The committee helps determine what computer classes will be taught to earn a degree at the college.  The question was asked what languages to teach – I heard C++ and Java being suggested… I wonder if I should have suggested Visual Basic?  VBS like languages are also used as macro languages in some ERP products and other packages (I believe that AutoCAD uses a similar macro syntax, as does PC-DMIS).



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