Wait Classes – How Do You Use Them to Find the Root Cause?

15 06 2010

June 15, 2010

A couple of days ago a thread appeared in the OTN forums asking the following question:

“As per documents In general, the addition of wait classes helps direct the DBA more quickly toward the root cause of performance problems.

How could i trace the root cause of performence problems if it is related to wait class?”


This is the answer that I provided:

I am not completely sure that I understand your question. The wait class gives you an approximate idea of where the performance problem will be found. You must then further investigate the wait events in that wait class. There are of course potential problems with starting at the wait class (some wait classes have 2 wait events, while others have many – that could throw off the search for the problem that is impacting performance the most), but at least it provides a starting point. To give you an idea of the wait events in each wait class, here is a SQL statement that was executed on Oracle Database


 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ------------
 EVENT#                                             NUMBER
 EVENT_ID                                           NUMBER
 NAME                                               VARCHAR2(64)
 PARAMETER1                                         VARCHAR2(64)
 PARAMETER2                                         VARCHAR2(64)
 PARAMETER3                                         VARCHAR2(64)
 WAIT_CLASS_ID                                      NUMBER
 WAIT_CLASS#                                        NUMBER
 WAIT_CLASS                                         VARCHAR2(64)

(Note that I have trimmed the output of the SQL statement to show the first wait event in each wait class, followed by a couple other wait events in the same wait class.)


EVENT_NAME                     WAIT_CLASS
------------------------------ --------------------
ASM COD rollback operation com Administrative
ASM mount : wait for heartbeat Administrative
Backup: sbtbackup              Administrative
Backup: sbtbufinfo             Administrative
Backup: sbtclose               Administrative
Backup: sbtclose2              Administrative
OLAP DML Sleep                 Application
SQL*Net break/reset to client  Application
SQL*Net break/reset to dblink  Application
Streams capture: filter callba Application
Streams: apply reader waiting  Application
WCR: replay lock order         Application
Wait for Table Lock            Application
enq: KO - fast object checkpoi Application
enq: PW - flush prewarm buffer Application
enq: RC - Result Cache: Conten Application
enq: RO - contention           Application
enq: RO - fast object reuse    Application
enq: TM - contention           Application
enq: TX - row lock contention  Application
enq: UL - contention           Application
ASM PST query : wait for [PM][ Cluster
gc assume                      Cluster
gc block recovery request      Cluster
enq: BB - 2PC across RAC insta Commit
log file sync                  Commit
Shared IO Pool Memory          Concurrency
Streams apply: waiting for dep Concurrency
buffer busy waits              Concurrency
cursor: mutex S                Concurrency
cursor: mutex X                Concurrency
cursor: pin S wait on X        Concurrency
Global transaction acquire ins Configuration
Streams apply: waiting to comm Configuration
checkpoint completed           Configuration
enq: HW - contention           Configuration
enq: SQ - contention           Configuration
enq: SS - contention           Configuration
enq: ST - contention           Configuration
enq: TX - allocate ITL entry   Configuration
free buffer waits              Configuration
ASM background timer           Idle
DIAG idle wait                 Idle
EMON slave idle wait           Idle
HS message to agent            Idle
IORM Scheduler Slave Idle Wait Idle
JOX Jit Process Sleep          Idle
ARCH wait for flow-control     Network
ARCH wait for net re-connect   Network
ARCH wait for netserver detach Network
ARCH wait for netserver init 1 Network
ARCH wait for netserver init 2 Network
ARCH wait for netserver start  Network
ARCH wait on ATTACH            Network
ARCH wait on DETACH            Network
ARCH wait on SENDREQ           Network
LGWR wait on ATTACH            Network
LGWR wait on DETACH            Network
LGWR wait on LNS               Network
LGWR wait on SENDREQ           Network
LNS wait on ATTACH             Network
LNS wait on DETACH             Network
LNS wait on LGWR               Network
LNS wait on SENDREQ            Network
SQL*Net message from dblink    Network
SQL*Net message to client      Network
SQL*Net message to dblink      Network
SQL*Net more data from client  Network
SQL*Net more data from dblink  Network
AQ propagation connection      Other
ARCH wait for archivelog lock  Other
ARCH wait for process death 1  Other
ARCH wait for process death 2  Other
ARCH wait for process death 3  Other
ARCH wait for process death 4  Other
ARCH wait for process death 5  Other
ARCH wait for process start 1  Other
Streams AQ: enqueue blocked du Queueing
Streams AQ: enqueue blocked on Queueing
Streams capture: waiting for s Queueing
Streams: flow control          Queueing
Streams: resolve low memory co Queueing
resmgr:I/O prioritization      Scheduler
resmgr:become active           Scheduler
resmgr:cpu quantum             Scheduler
ARCH random i/o                System I/O
ARCH sequential i/o            System I/O
Archiver slave I/O             System I/O
DBWR slave I/O                 System I/O
LGWR random i/o                System I/O
BFILE read                     User I/O
DG Broker configuration file I User I/O
Data file init write           User I/O
Datapump dump file I/O         User I/O
Log file init write            User I/O
Shared IO Pool IO Completion   User I/O
buffer read retry              User I/O
cell multiblock physical read  User I/O
cell single block physical rea User I/O
cell smart file creation       User I/O
cell smart index scan          User I/O
cell smart table scan          User I/O
cell statistics gather         User I/O
db file parallel read          User I/O
db file scattered read         User I/O
db file sequential read        User I/O
db file single write           User I/O

So, if the User I/O wait class floats to the top of the wait classes between a known start time and end time, and the Commit wait class is at the bottom of the wait classes when comparing accumulated time, it probably would not make much sense to spend time investigating the wait events in the Commit class… until you realize that there is a single event in the Commit wait class that typically contributes wait time, while there are many in the User I/O wait class.


It appears that my answer either missed the target or was ignored by the original poster.  It appeared that the OP was attempting to immediately jump from step 1 to the last step, without considering any of the intermediate steps.

How would you answer the above question?  Would you read the question differently and start writing about Statspack, AWR, ADDM, 10046 traces, or process state dumps?  Would you lead the OP step by step through the process?  Or would you take an entirely different approach?



One response

15 06 2010

Just checking the box(notify me of follow-up comments) to see what others have to say….I m still young to answer any of the above questions 🙂

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